Terrible Deja’vu

Nasca was nice, but definitely did not have enough to keep one entertained more than a few hours.  After flying over the lines, we went to dinner and waited for our overnight bus to Arequipa.

The bus was late, but this was fine since we were not due to arrive until 8 am and would still have plenty of time to explore.  We finally got on the bus–and it was crowded (much more than I had previously seen) and a bit smelly.  To be expected I guess when people are traveling long distances.  But then as the bus “attendant” came by, he uttered the words that gave me a sinking feeling… “please fasten your seatbelt.”

Just so you know, I have never had a good experience when someone tells you to fasten your seatbelt on a bus.  And this trip was no different.  The cabin was pitch black, the seats were close together (too close), and reclined waaay too far back for the person behind you to be comfortable.  Every time I was on the verge of sleep, the bus would take a turn so winding that I felt like I was on a roller coaster.  This lasted for hours.  And then the air went off.  Let’s just say I was more than happy to arrive in Arequipa.